IR Illuminator SubSystem Project (IRILL)

A-330 platform incorporates Air Refuelling Boom System (ARBS), which allows the air refuelling operation...
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Nozzle Lights System Project (NLCU)

This innovative device has been developed to make easier the Air to Air Refuelling (AAR) operation...
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Encoder Project

Electronic codification System which reduces 8 entry discrete signals to 3 output signals. These signals are received by BEVS...
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Proyecto Encoder

Sistema de codificación electrónica, capaz de reducir 8 señales de entrada discretas a 3 señales de salida. Estas señales son...
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Proyecto Nozzle Lights System (NLCU)

Este novedoso dispositivo se ha desarrollado para facilitar la función de Air to Air Refuelling (AAR)...
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Proyecto IR Illuminator SubSystem (IRILL)

La plataforma del A-330 incorpora el Air Refuelling Boom System (ARBS), que permite el repostaje en vuelo...
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